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Testimony of Fabricio Pavan, business analyst at talan in the UK

In this testimony, Fabricio talks about his international career and missions and describes Talan in his own words


Can you present your background in a few lines ?

Hi, my name is Fabricio Pavan.  I am originally from Brazil. After living and working for several years in Canada, I move to London in 2021. Much of experience is in IT consulting in investment banking and IT solutions. At the beginning of my career, I worked as a Solutions Architect and then later moved to Business Analysis. My expertise is in several topics, including Front Office, Market Risk and accounting, including various regulatory topics.

At Talan, what is your playground ?

I’ve just started a new mission with a large, multinational financial institution in the Market Risk team in London to help with several different enhancements and new front end risk initiatives.

3 words to introduce Talan ?

Solutions. Team. Growth. 

Solutions – At Talan, we not only assist with skilled people, but we jump in and implement solutions to meet our clients’ specific needs. We have architects, business analysts and developers working on a wide range of projects, and we can provide companies with results-oriented tech support. Recently, we worked with a client that has no IT department but was looking to automate their manual processes. This is exactly where our expertise lies.

Team – We are a big team, and we work together as a team to discuss solutions and share ideas. There is always someone willing to help, and more importantly we have tools that allow us to collaborate. When needed, I can always check our SharePoint and find some good material there.

Growth – As a large international organisation, Talan offers many opportunities for career growth, either by working in different roles or, as in my case, moving abroad to take on a new challenge.

What has been your most memorable moment at Talan ?

I believe the day I joined the team. I found a friendly environment with people who are dedicated to what they do. 

After that, I’d say an end of year party that took place at the Grévin Museum – like the Madame Tussauds here in London – and the funny thing was to be at the party with these famous wax celebrities to hang out with. Really funny!

Who inspires you the most ?

Personally, my parents are my role models for almost everything. I’ve had some excellent managers in my career who professionally inspired me too.

But someone else who inspires me a lot is Michael Jordan. His level of dedication and team spirit are amazing. I believe he was a strong team leader, even more so than an incredible player. People talk about a lot about his dunks and how he flew in the air. For me how, I admire how he pushed his team to be better and how he brought them to greatness with him. These are rare qualities to find in people.