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Meeting with Matthieu Borgraeve, manager, developer, Ops and agile consultant in Montréal

Matthieu looks back on his career, his daily life and his missions at Talan in Canada.

Matthieu Borgraeve
Matthieu Borgraeve

Can you present your journey in a few lines? 

A graduate of an engineering school, I was recruited 7 years ago thanks to the co-optation of a friend who works at Talan. I started my career with business analysis in the field of road logistics.

I have carried out several missions for 3 years in France. 

Then I joined the Talan teams in Canada, where I worked for Société Générale in support, development and operations. This experience was followed by a mission at Expedia as a back-end developer. 

I am now a back-end developer at Bell Canada Business Market.  


What are your current tasks? 

I take care of an application that allows the monitoring of network equipment and alerts in the event of anomalies. Thus, we offer Bell's corporate customers the opportunity to monitor and manage their network infrastructure.

 I work with Springboot 2, Java 11, Rabbit MQ, Kafka and Elastic, but also on other Frameworks used within companies. I am part of a team that is at the client’s: I work with other consultants – Talan or competitors – as well as internal Bell employees.

Like most technical experts in Canada, I am also involved in the recruitment process of my future colleagues, to validate their technical skills, but also to ensure that they understand what Talan brings beyond their first mandate.

In parallel, for about a year, I have also been working as a local manager, with a team of 12 consultants, on the development and business client side. This function has made sense during the health crisis. It is important to follow our consultants closely, to maintain our link with Talan. 

I appreciate this opportunity to work as closely as possible with employees and develop human relations, I recently helped organize a meeting every Tuesday in our Montreal office to recreate the bond. 


3 words to introduce Talan? 

  • autonomy: If we have an idea or project in mind, Talan really gives us the freedom to do it. Collective intelligence is essential and many ideas are born among employees. It is also an excellent way to feedback elements from the field, more suited to each customer, as well as to our environment. Personally, I have had the chance to follow my aspirations by going to Canada, and Talan has supported me in this career change. Having gone from business analyst to support analyst, I am now a manager and developer.
  • family: Whether with managers, managers or within our teams, our relationships are transparent and direct. All Talans are very accessible, as in a large family. 
  • change: Talan allows us to develop at a personal and professional level. Everyone is constantly changing. At Talan, we accept change and value it to achieve our objectives as quickly as possible! 


At Talan, what is your playground ? 

My playground is technology in the broad sense: it is an area that I am passionate about. I like all the new ways of working, which make it possible to be more efficient daily. This translates into the contribution of recognized expertise to our customers.

Talan uses this expertise to give her clients the opportunity to transform themselves, and everyone the opportunity to work better. 

This touch of agility and transparency, which I particularly like at Talan, makes it an unrivalled playground. We are not simply an "execution" force, we are here to grow together with our clients, and support them in their challenges. 


A strong memory at Talan ? 

I will always remember my beginnings at Talan. Two days after my arrival, I left for a seminar in the Canaries: it was a great start for me! 

On the first evening, I went around the table to talk with the employees about their respective missions. And without knowing it, I started talking with Nicolas Thomas, CEO of Synaptix, who later became Talan Labs.  This story illustrates the accessibility of managers at Talan. 


Which person inspires you the most ? 

I love Linux, creator Linus Torvalds. He will seek to overcome political and financial obstacles to solve problems pragmatically. He has created extraordinary Open-Source tools to help solving his problems.

This has led to solutions that are now being used by developers and users around the world. I find this openness remarkable because it makes it possible to contribute to a better functioning within companies, without seeking to draw coverage from oneself.  

Working together to solve problems is an excellent approach to earning the trust of employees. 

In the future, I would like to work on Open-Sources projects, maybe with Talan!

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