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Business Data Partners, a Talan Company, recommit to the Tech Talent Charter

For the third consecutive year Business Data Partners, a Talan Company, recommits to the Tech Talent Charter, and in doing so strengthens their commitment to promoting inclusion and diversity in their industry.

Tech Talent Charter signatory's logo

To continue the role as a signatory, each year Business Data Partners submits an annual diversity data report to the Tech Talent Charter. From this data gathered, the Tech Talent Charter produces an annual Diversity in Tech Report to benchmark progress across all signatories and inform best practice.

As a signatory, Business Data Partners pledges to continue an inclusive recruitment process, ensure employment policies and practices continue to support the development and retention of an inclusive and diverse workforce, and to work collaboratively with other Signatories and the Tech Talent Charter.

“At Business Data Partners / Talan UK, we know that our teams are our most valuable asset. Our unique culture and core values play a very important part in our success, and having a diverse workforce is key to this. We understand that attracting, recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce is vital to the future of our business.”

- Kirsty Canning, BDP/Talan UK HRBP


The Tech Talent Charter is a non-profit organisation leading a movement to address inequality in the UK tech sector and drive inclusion and diversity in a practical and uniquely measurable way.

The ultimate goal is that the UK tech sector becomes truly inclusive and a reflection of the society which it represents. Working at scale, the Tech Talent Charter and signatories aim to address the tech ecosystem as a whole to drive change. The Tech Talent Charter focuses on the how, not just the why of inclusion, and brings communities together and support the underrepresented.

For more information on the Tech Talent Charter or to join us as a co-signatory please visit their website.